

48 Uppsatser om Gösta Esping-Andersen - Sida 1 av 4

FörÀndringarna i den tyska familjepolitiken : Ett steg bort frÄn den konservativa vÀlfÀrdsmodellen?

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the ongoing changes in German family policy. It explores the issue of whether the German welfare state, in this policy field, can still be regarded as a conservative welfare model or rather approaches a more liberal or social democratic model. A qualitative method is used to analyze the material, especially from the German government, including press releases, other public documents and also articles from the political weekly magazines Der Spiegel and Die Zeit. The changes analyzed are the new parental benefit, the expansion of child care, the concept of whole-day schools and the system of joint taxation. The point of departure is Gösta Esping-Andersen?s categorization of three types of welfare states: the social democratic, the conservative and the liberal.

Organisation och marknadsorientering av Àldreomsorgen : En jÀmförelse mellan Sverige och Tyskland

Organisation and market orientation of elderly careThis comparative literature study is intended to describe how elderly care is organised and financed in Germany and Sweden. Furthermore, it analyses the degree of competition and market orientation in both countries' care systems. Important aspects in this context are the kinds of measurements which are used on the two markets and the question if there are quasimarkets.The theoretical backgrounds of the study are Esping-Andersen's "Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism" and Harold Wilensky's convergence theory. Esping-Andersen's theory describes Sweden as a social democratic and Germany as a conservative welfare regime which means that there are different conditions for the development of welfare. The use of Wilensky's theory shows that both welfare systems are converging since the end of the 20th century.

VÀlfÀrdsstaten i tre post-kommunistiska stater: konservativ, liberal eller socialdemokratisk? En studie av socialpolitikens utveckling i Tjeckien, Polen och Ungern efter 1989

After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 the satellite states of the former Communist bloc immediately departed on a journey towards democracy and market capitalism. Among the many tasks of the newly elected governments, one was to transform the paternalist Communist welfare state into a social system that would decrease the oversized role of the state, at the same time as protecting the citizens from the hardships ensued from the transition.I have studied the evolution of new welfare systems in the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary, three countries generally agreed as the most similar and most successfull transition countries of the Eastern bloc. GĂžsta Esping-Andersen's prominent typology of welfare regimes, consisting of the liberal, corporatist and social democratic regime-types, has constituted the theoretical basis of the analysis. Simultaneously, applying new cases to the typology implies an element of theory testing.The study shows that 40 years of Communism and partial isolation from the West has not prevented these three countries from developing welfare states fully compatible with those of Western Europe and the Anglo-Saxon nations and that all three of them in fact fall within the scope of the corporatist regime-type..

Demografiska förÀndringar och politiska lovord : - En studie om svenska Alliansens och spanska PSOE:s valmanifest utifrÄn Esping-Andersens vÀlfÀrdsstater.

Europa stÄr i dag inför stora demografiska förÀndringar med en allt Àldre befolkning och minskade födelsetal. Tidigare forskning visar att förÀndrade levnadsförhÄllanden samt ekonomisk tillvÀxt har varit en bidragande orsak till att befolkningsstrukturen har förÀndrats. Eftersom det frÀmst Àr politiker som fattar beslut angÄende ÄtgÀrder, fann vi det intressant att studera hur politikerna vÀljer att bemöta de demografiska förÀndringarna samt undersöka om det finns distinkta skillnader i politiken utifrÄn Esping-Andersens kategorisering av vÀlfÀrdsstater. Syftet med denna undersökning var att finna om politikerna i Sverige och Spanien bemöter de demografiska förÀndringarna pÄ olika sÀtt eftersom lÀnderna tillhör olika vÀlfÀrdsstater. Resultatet visade att nÄgra av de förslag som presenterades var utökad barnomsorg, bÀttre villkor för förÀldrar att kombinera arbete och familjeliv, ökad pension samt förbÀttrad ÀldrevÄrd.

HÄll ut! Det ordnar sig nÀr du Àr död : En studie om sagor som fostrandemedel ur ett vÀrdegrundsperspektiv

According to the Swedish curriculum, teachers have an assignment to educate children to become democratic citizens. Students will develop values given in the curriculum's section, dealing with aspirational values. Teachers also have an assignment to transmit a cultural heritage. The curriculum states that education, in a deeper sense, is about to transmit a cultural heritage. This claims that the two assignments would be one and the same.

Sverige, Eu och JÀmstÀlldheten : En studie av europeisering

This study is set out to examine if there is any kind of influence between the EU and Swedish gender policy. More specific the Swedish efforts within the gender policy area, especially in the area of social policy and employment, during the Swedish presidency in the Council of Ministers 2001. And also to examine the impact of Europeanization in Swedish gender policy. We have decided to delimit our study to care of elderly and children when it comes to the area of social policy. We are using a descriptive, examining qualitative method.

Icke-finansiella styrtal inom den svenska bioteknikindustrin

This study is set out to examine if there is any kind of influence between the EU and Swedish gender policy. More specific the Swedish efforts within the gender policy area, especially in the area of social policy and employment, during the Swedish presidency in the Council of Ministers 2001. And also to examine the impact of Europeanization in Swedish gender policy. We have decided to delimit our study to care of elderly and children when it comes to the area of social policy. We are using a descriptive, examining qualitative method.

Diakoni och VÀlfÀrd - en kvantitativ studie av ekonomiskt stöd inom Svenska kyrkan

The aim of this thesis was to study financial support within the Church of Sweden and the view of the church?s diaconal work. This was done with a quantitative method where a survey sent to a number of churches containing questions about financial support within the church and how they, the respondents, looked at the church?s role as a welfare agent. Of the almost 200 congregations only 23 congregations responded.

Diakoni och vÀlfÀrd. : En kvalitativ studie om relationen mellan diakoni och socialt arbete.

This study discloses the responsibility of social work for the Swedish welfare state respective deacons in the Swedish protestant church, which roll the Swedish protestant church have in the existent welfare and also if deacons experience any expectations and how these expectations in that case are expressed.The aim of this study was to investigate the relationbetween deacons working within the Swedish protestant church and social work, as it appears for professional deacons. The method of investigating the questions raised by the aim of this study has been qualitative analysis of answers derived from six deacons working in different workplaces. The data derived from these interviews was then analysed through the theory of Gösta Esping-Andersen about welfare states and also through background research and earlier science research about the social work within the Swedish protestant church and other social work. The result of the study show that the welfare state in Sweden has the comprehensive responsibility for the citizens. Deacons working within the Swedish protestant church does not have the same responsibility.

VÀlfÀrdsregimer och hÀlsa - en litteraturstudie om determinanter pÄ makronivÄ

Introduction: Public health researchers have long been focusing on investigating health inpopulations through determinants such as income inequalities. Nevertheless, incomeinequalities can be considered an effect of the organization of welfare regimes. The publichealth status is largely affected by the organization of welfare regimes and consequently thereare large differences in health within and between welfare regimes. How are these differencesdistributed and how can they be explained?Aim: To compare health between welfare state regimes with the use of Esping-Andersen?swelfare regime typology and to investigate the relationship between welfare statedeterminants and health.Methods: A literary review based on 12 scientific articles.

Behovet av ledningsstöd för smÄföretag. En studie av fyra olika smÄföretag frÄn fyra olika branscher, i VÀstra Frölunda

Introduction: Public health researchers have long been focusing on investigating health inpopulations through determinants such as income inequalities. Nevertheless, incomeinequalities can be considered an effect of the organization of welfare regimes. The publichealth status is largely affected by the organization of welfare regimes and consequently thereare large differences in health within and between welfare regimes. How are these differencesdistributed and how can they be explained?Aim: To compare health between welfare state regimes with the use of Esping-Andersen?swelfare regime typology and to investigate the relationship between welfare statedeterminants and health.Methods: A literary review based on 12 scientific articles.

Systemutveckling och anvÀndbarhet -Att utnyttja anvÀndbarhetstester i systemutvecklingsprocessen

Den hÀr rapporten behandlar frÄgestÀllningen om hur man kan anpassa systemutvecklingav ett informationssystem enligt livscykelmodellen till att inkludera anvÀndbarhetstester. FrÄgestÀllningen grundar sig i att god anvÀndbarhet inte Àr ett explicit uttryckt mÄl i Andersens beskrivning av livscykelmodellen. För att besvara frÄgestÀllningen har vi utvecklat och testat ett bokningssystem Ät en mindre verksamhet. Utvecklingsarbetet har bedrivits enligt en egen anpassning av livscykelmodellen. Testerna har utförts enligt metoden cooperativ evaluation.

En text, flera illustratörer

DÄ mÄnga klassiska och populÀra sagor har illustrerats av ett flertal olika konstnÀrer finns det ett intresse i att analysera hur detta pÄverkar lÀsarens tolkning av sagan. Vilka episoder vÀljer illustratören att ta med? LÀgger han/hon fokus pÄ personerna, miljön eller nÄgon specifik kÀnsla t.ex.? Dessa Àr nÄgra av de aspekter som inverkar pÄ hur sagan kommer uppfattas. Illustreringarna kan göra att sagan kÀnns mer riktad mot en yngre lÀsarkrets eller vara mer tilltalande för Àldre barn eller vuxna. Jag har för avsikt att analysera Den lilla flickan med svavelstickorna en saga av H.C.

Deloitte & Touche - en lönsamhetsbedömning av samgÄendet med Andersen

VÄrt syfte Àr att utreda huruvida de tvÄ revisionsbyrÄerna Andersen och Deloitte & Touche i Sverige har större möjligheter att skapa lönsamhet som ett företag efter samgÄendet. För att utreda detta inriktar vi oss pÄ tre nyckelfaktorer integration, strategi och finansiering. TvÄ stora omrÄden dÀr synergieffekter kan uppkomma Àr inom finansiering och strategi. För att dessa ska kunna uppkomma Àr det av högsta vikt att integrationen blir lyckosam. Blir den det kan det Àven uppkomma synergieffekter av integrationen i sig.

Kravhantering och anvÀndarmedverkan : En fallstudie om kravhantering och anvÀndarmedverkan i webbutveckling

TitelKravhantering och anvÀndarmedverkanFörfattareHenrik GrundénTutorFranck TétardUniversitetUppsala UniversitetKursInformationssystem CPeriodHöstterminen 2012SyfteUtreda hur en webbutvecklare anvÀnder sig avanvÀndarmedverkan och hur denne arbetar medkravhantering.TeoriGulliksen och Göransson, Andersen, Bleek, Jeenicke ochKlischewski m.fl.MetodFallstudie, kvalitativ metod, intervjuNyckelordanvÀndarmedverkan, kravhantering, webbutveckling.

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